Guy Victor Bordo
12 March 2018
Father Kevin Morris, Rudy Reimsnyder, Laurie Miller
Richmond Catholic Office
240 South Sixth Street,
Richmond IN 47374
Dear Father Morris, Rudy and Laurie:
I want to thank you all for the incredible hospitality you have shown the RSO in the past few years. We are so grateful for all your kindness and everything you have done for us, this year especially with two events. It is truly a pleasure to be able to perform in the Mosey Gym. The acoustics are remarkable. And, the brass concert we had at Holy Family, again, wonderful acoustics and a beautiful setting. In the rehearsals and the performances, Rudy was great for us to work with. He is always flexible, kind and thoughtful.We are so thrilled to be able to perform at both of your sites. Everyone we come into contact with is terrific. And, our audience is now really beginning to understand the great advantages the Gym has. It is a very intimate setting with the audience all around the orchestra. It is a completely different type of musical experience for everyone that we all enjoy.
We truly appreciate what you have done for us and the continued relationship between the Richmond Catholic Community and the RSO. It is something we enjoy and value so much.
Thank you for everything. Sincerely yours,
Guy Bordo, Music Director