holding hands during the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer is suspended
physically touching a non-communicant for a blessing is discontinued
receiving communion on the tongue during this extraordinary time of concern is suspended. Please receive communion in your hands.
Circulation of collection baskets are suspended; please drop your contribution during communion time
The following measures are taken at SETON parish:
The use of Holy Water fonts is suspended, if you need holy water contact the sacristans.
Priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of holy communion are constantly reminded not to touch the hands, mouth or tongue of communicants.
Parishioners are encouraged to disperse throughout the worship space so as to allow for “social distance” during gatherings.
Hand sanitizer are available in all three church campuses
The act of bringing forward the bread and wine by the faithful during the offertory is suspended.
While the acts of holding hands, shaking hands, hugging, etc. is suspended during the liturgy, please be reminded that these restrictions should be honored before and after Mass as well.
If you are feeling ill, then please stay at home.
Outside of Mass and other liturgical/devotional activities, all other parish activities and events are canceled, suspended or postponed.
With our schools being closed during this time, all religious education, sacramental preparation classes, RCIA classes, youth and young adult ministry events and meetings are cancelled
All special events, social gatherings, fish fries and other fundraisers are to be cancelled
While the celebration of funerals and memorial Masses will continue unimpeded, the offering of funeral meals is suspended
In light of the cancellation of other parish activities, SETON parish office will remain open ONLY FOR OFFICE WORKS with minimal interaction with parishioners under normal business hours. Please feel free to call the office for anything you need.