Beginning October 1, 2020 all weekday 8:15am Masses will be switched back to the three Church Campuses. [Tuesdays & Fridays at St. Andrew, Wednesdays at St. Mary and Thursdays at Holy Family]. Weekend Masses will remain the same, but in order to accommodate parents with religious education students, those who attend the 10am Mass may want to consider attending the other time. Adoration and Confession will continue the same way until further notice.
The Hubbard Fund will begin accepting grant request October 1st. The deadline for request is October 31st. Request received after the deadline will not be considered until Spring 2021. Please Note: Grant request, check request and all other Hubbard Correspondence is to be mailed to: The Hubbard Fund, C/O Tom Amyx, 115 SW 19th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. We will no longer be picking up Hubbard mail at the Catholic Office. Questions please Contact Tom Amyx at 765-962-4722. Thank you.
The Anima Christi prayer can be found on page 242 in the October Magnificat for those who would like to pray along when attending daily Mass. Click title to see entire prayer here.