Discipleship nights (Online) on Wednesday Evenings @ 6:30pm: The Case for Jesus with Dr. Brant Pitre on FORMED Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Is there any evidence for Christ's resurrection? What is the ultimate meaning of Easter? Join us Wed, April 7th to May 26th https://watch.formed.org/lectio-the-case-for-jesus
Holy Week Schedule: Holy Thursday: St. Mary — April 1, 2021 - 7:30 pm Good Friday: St. Andrew — April 2, 2021 - 3:00 pm Easter Saturday Vigil: Holy Family — April 3, 2021 - 9:00 pm Easter Sunday: April 4, 2021 Holy Family - 8:00 am, St. Andrew - 10:00 am , St. Mary - Noon
The April Magnificat may arrive later than usual. For more information and how to access the Magnificat online until yours arrives can be found here - https://us.magnificat.net/april