This Sunday, we celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday. This feast was instituted by St. Pope John Paul II, based on the writings and teachings of St. Faustina. St. Faustina was so fond of God’s mercy in Jesus to the entire humanity. She pleaded with everyone to take advantage of Christ’s mercy. She looked at everything from the perspective of Christ’s mercy. Her fundamental question was whether or not we align our lives in response to what God did for us in Christ. She was so passionate about meditating on the mysteries of mercy that her entire life became a message of mercy.
Fr. Sengole T. Gnanaraj was Ordained on April 15, 2007, for the Diocese of Palayamkotti, India. We are proud to have you as our Pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish & School
Our last directory was completed in 2017 and it is time to publish an updated directory. The former company, Lifetouch, is no longer in the church directory business. We have contracted Colorcraft to provide our new directory. Our last directory featured about one-half of our parishioners. We want everyone to be included this time. With more that 900 registered parishioners households, this will be a large project. At this time we have contracted two weekends in July– Friday, Saturday, & Sunday July 15th –17th and July 29th-31st, One hundred fifty appointments will fill each weekend. We must fill the scheduled before we can add additional photo weekends. Additional weekends will likely be scheduled in the fall, with the final pictorial directory being printed in early 2023. Your photo session will last approximately 12 minutes. You will return within 2 weeks to view your portraits and make any purchases at that time. Whether or not you make a package purchase, you will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and a pictorial directory when the directory is completed. Appointments times are 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the lower level of Seton Catholic High School. Karen Ruhl has agreed to coordinate this project again for us. Appointment sign-ups after Masses will begin the weekend following Easter Sunday. Online appointments will be open after Monday, May 16th, after all, prior appointments have been added to the online scheduler. Please consider signing up early to get your preferred time. We will need additional volunteers to serve as greeters during the photo sessions. This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the church office at 765-962-3902