Dear Parishioners,
We are in the process of refining our records and would greatly appreciate your help in updating your demographic and contact information on our new database called Flocknote. This will ensure that our data is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, by updating your profile, you can join the groups that interest you and receive relevant communications, while avoiding messages from groups that aren’t applicable to you. You may opt out of any group communications at any time so no worries. Please take a moment to review and update your information today.
It is easy to do and you won't need to create yet another account with a password. Login on from your computer at or Text GOSETON to 84576
We thank you in advance for your cooperation in updating our Church database !
The Retirement Fund for Religious was established in 1988 to help religious communities provide for senior members' current and future retirement and healthcare needs. Click title to see the entire letter from Archbishop Thompson.